Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I am...

I am so sorry if u are furious with my bit-harsh-but-true email. Believe me, u are not the one that I aimed for ;)

I am not sorry for myself. I am who I am. Any suggestions on how Eta should improve herself are most welcomed. But I would see to it as I think it is required.

I am feeling sorry for those who live in their hypocrite world. Never make promises u tend not to keep. Never say something u don't actually mean to say to people, then talk behind their back later on.

I am a bit down in the dumps today. Perhaps, work stress..? office politic..? I just don't feel I am appreciated by my bosses, that's all. Susah sangat ke nak isi borang permanent tuh?! It's really hard when u have to fight all alone! Sedih! Camne kalau tiba2 dapat termination letter? Mana nak carik keje? Kontrak abis early of this coming may. Takutnye!

I am now realize that worries or anger that I may have in me may not lead me to any good. Those two could just bring more destruction to my own life or my own emotional health in particular.

I am glad and thankful for the life that I've been given. I am healthy person, physically and mentally. I have my beloved family, who are always there for me. I also have lots of great frens, and we care for each other. We may rarely show it, but we just know it.

Surely, there are always solutions to every problem...Harap2...


  1. babe...carik keje lain laaa...
    jgn sedih2 k..insyaAllah ada rezeki

  2. 2 kali dah kan awk g jumpa 'dia'.
    apa jawapan nye?
