Sunday, February 28, 2010

Malam yang Panas!

Kebelakangan ni selalu terjaga tengah malam. Bangun jek berpeluh2. Macam tido dalam oven yang baru dipanaskan. Takpun, macam rasa bahang kat basement parking shopping kompleks yang besar kat KL ni i.e. KLCC/Midvalley/Lowyat. Bila terjaga balik macam ni amik masa sikit nak tido. Selalunye akan terpikir esok nak pakai baju apa, nak pakai eyeshadow warna apa, apa keje yg tak siap lagi. Sambil2 tu baca gak la ayat2 quran mengharapkan dapat tido balik.

Biasalah..rumah batu 2 tingkat macam ni la. Udara panas dan bahang berada dibahagian atas rumah sebab ianya lebih ringan daripada udara dingin. Kalau dulu, rasanye, siang jek panas macam ni. But this time round, siang sampai malam, malam sampai siang pun panas gak. Dah tak enjoy makan coklat kat bilik sebab bukak2 jek mesti cair. Sejak itu coklat dirumah ini hanya berada kat dua tempat jek, kat peti ais untuk disimpan atau kat mulut untuk dimakan. Apa2 pun, cokelat Amicelli jugak yang sedap! Yum3...

Friday, February 26, 2010

I..want to thank youuuu.. (Dido)

Banyak dapat birthday wishes from sms/facebook/etc. Nak sebut sorang2 tak tertaip ;) So, thanks everybody! Yang penting I masih maintain sweet 18. Hehe.

Anyway, my last weekend was quite packed. Sabtu pegi Midvalley, Najwa belanja makan kat TGIF & tengok wayang Valentine's Day. Best2. Akhirnya dapat gak tengok citer ni kan Najwa kan?

Ahad pagi, pegi piknik kat Botanical Garden Putrajaya, organized by Asma, Nurli, KElya & KNazma. We all took our sweet time that morning lepak2 and walking around the garden till afternoon. Maklumlah, dieorang ni orang KL, tak selalu datang Putrajaya. Banyak jugak bende yang diborakkan. Bak kata Asma "Tahun ni aku belum jumpe lagi ko eta!" Hehe. At the same time I feel quite shocked..and happy to know that Nurli is going for umrah with her parents this early March. Ingatkan nak gi bulan April. Cepatnye masa berlalu. So Nurli, selamat pergi, beramal disana dan kembali semula. Take care of urself dan doakan kami semua juga ye?
Petang ke malam pulak celebrate with my family. Penat tapi seronok! zzzzz...Esoknya dah menjanjikan kesibukan di opis pula..zzzzz...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A peaceful week

Bestnye kalau tiap2 hari macam ni. Tak jem. Nak keluar rumah dalam 7.30am pun ok lagi. Masih boleh sampai ke opis dalam 8am and still got plenty of time to have breakfast with colleagues.

Bila kat opis pulak..agak senyap, rasa tenteram tanpa banyak call from users. Boss pun takde. Hehe. Ramai orang cuti kan? Dapat la fokus sikit nak buat keje tertangguh ni. Heaven sungguh! Am enjoying each moment of my peaceful week in the office. Sebab minggu depan tak tentu lagi macammana keadaannyeee...

Okla..nak sambung keje..till then..xoxoxo..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Once upon a time in Midvalley

Hari ni ialah hari terakhir cuti untuk tahun baru cina. Esok dah start keje. I've been spending all the time I have for this CNY hols at home..and did nothing. This pathetic situation has to be stopped. And with that, I have decided to get out of my comfort zone and do something.

I had asked a fren of mine, a nite before, to watch movie together at Midvalley. We usually prefer to buy or reserve tix online. It was so happened that the GSC has got some problems with its websites. So, I had to go out early in the morning and queue up to buy those tix.

The chaos started when I didn't tell my fren earlier about my queue-up plan, and this fren of mine thought that our outing was cancelled. So, she rushed off her feet this morning, knowing the fact that I was already in Midvalley.

Being such a considerate fren, she promised to meet up somehow. Little did we both expect that the back rows seats had all sold out for the afternoon show. We dun like front rows seats. So I bought two evening show tix, hoping that my fren wud be OK with the time. Coz I cudn't reach her while I was still at the counter.

I wandered around the mall while waiting for her call. I went to Toys R Us to buy gift vouchers for our colleague's new born baby and Carrefour to have a good look around for some baking ingredients. I was not sure why I was so annoyed when seeing lots of people wearing red shirts here and there. Pandang kiri, nampak merah. Pandang kanan pun merah. Aish..apa ni? Time orang pakai merah laa..semua orang pun nak pakai merah..Huhu..

My deep RED thoughts were interrupted when suddenly my handphone rang. But that was actually causing more disturbance to my little troubled thoughts, knowing that my fren had problem to stay until late evening. She forgot that today is her dad's birthday and they will have a family dinner tonite. "Yeah, that's..jussttt..greattt.."

Luckily she was on her way to Midvalley and willing to have lunch with me first to discuss how we shud go about the movie tix. And when she came over, guess what? She was wearing a RED shirt too. Wasn't that ironic? Huhu.

Soon, after having the Subway sandwiches for lunch, we had come to the conclusion that..we shud sell it to the people queuing up for the movie tix. And if nobody wants to buy, then, I, alone, shall stay to see the movie while my fren will still pay for another tix to overcome her self-guilt (that I will watch the movie alone). Another solution wud be asking my other frens to accompany me..err..but I'd rather not to sound that desperate..

At first I dun really think that, selling the tix, was such a bad idea. People come and go. Surely, nobody will ever really notice us once we've done and gone.

But it was kinda embarasssing after the 5th persons I approached, rejected the tix I was selling. Finally, on the 10th attempt, a couple had agreed to buy the tix from us. I was a bit nervous that I gave them back the wrong change. Kalut..kalut..

Yeah, anyway, mission accomplished! I managed to get my RM24 back and bought a dozen of Krispy Kreme doughnuts for my mum instead.

~The End~

Sunday, February 7, 2010

HEROES is back!

Yes! HEROES (Season4) is now back on StarWorld, every friday & sunday night starting from 5th Feb. I guess, ummm..I dun really have any fave HEROES character. I can actually enjoy watching this series without hoping only for one particular character to come out. But if I were to pick one of them, it wud be...Mr Hiro Nakamura! He's just so cute whenever he does the time-stopping, isn't he?

Besides that, I kinda like this series due to its intriguing storyline especially at the end of each episode. Let's see whether I shall have the patience to follow the series diligently on StarWorld till the very end..or..shall I get all the downloaded Season4 copies from a fren? ;)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...8 lagi...

Ni sebenarnye sedang mengira stretching sebelom dan selepas jogging. Kene buat, nanti sakit2 badan esok lusa, susah. Gamba hiasan ni diambil sebab tengah dok brisk walking sorang2 dan takde keje. Lagi cun gamba ni kalau ada orang pose ala2 tgh jogging kat track tuh. Tapi my jogging partner, Sue, takde pulak untuk dijadikkan model. Huhu.

Suka jogging kat Fakulti Kejuruteraan, UPM ni. Di sepanjang track kat sini, ada banyak station untuk workout perut, tangan, kaki dll. Muat jugak untuk praktis main bola/hoki/ragbi. Yang penting rasa selamat sebab ni dlm kawasan universiti yg berpagar dan ada pak guard jaga.

Lately ada gak jogging kat tempat2 lain lepas balik keje dengan ofismates. Kat area OUM-Bank Negara-Sekolah-Tugu Negara-OUM. Tak pasti berapa kilometer. Yang pasti, penat untuk pertama kalinya. Ada satu peristiwa yg takleh luper masa berehat sekejap kat Tugu Negara. Ada sekumpulan pelancong dari China (kot..) yg datang ke arah kami sambil hulur kamera. Ingatkan nak suruh amikkan gamba depa semua. Rupe2nye depa nak dok bergamba dgn kami. Lepas satu kamera..satu kamera lagi..snap click..amik gamba kami. Rasa cam artis glamer gituuu..walaupun peluh2 dan muka merah2. Hehe.

Harapan saya dgn berjogging selalu ini, saya akan jadik semakin sihat, tiada lagi insomnia dan mempunyai tulang yg kuat.